By Moishe Herskowitz M.S; LCSW, CCH
What is hypnosis?
At its most basic level, hypnosis is using two parts of the brain to communicate. The cortex has access to the conscious mind and the amygdala to the subconscious mind.
A hypnotherapist uses the amygdala as the main pathway to communicating with the subconscious mind where real change can take place.
Is hypnosis safe?
The answer is yes and it is natural. It has been practiced for more than 100 years and since 1955 the British Medical Society has approved and recognized hypnosis as important source of treatment.
Please keep in mind that you will never say or do anything you don`t want to do.
The hypnotist has no power over you and cannot make you do anything against your will. The hypnotist is simply a guide. Your body and mind are relaxed and but wide awake. The hypnotist uses guided imagery to help you reach that state, as when the subconscious feels calm, relaxed and safe, it’s open to suggestions and change.
How effective is hypnosis?
Very. As a matter of fact, it is a 93% faster success rate then traditional talk therapy. In talk therapy the therapist is communicating with cortex – the thought processing part of the brain that tries to make meaning of the information coming in. It hopes that in time the amygdala will be feel safe and be receptive to listening.
In hypnosis, the strategy is for the therapist to communicate directly with the amygdala, bypassing the conscious mind and getting access to the client’s emotions, feelings, anxiety and issues.
What does it mean that the mind is wide awake?
Hypnosis is not sleep. It is not losing control or having your mind taken over. Your mind knows exactly what is going on. If the hypnotist asked you to do something that you were not comfortable with you would just say “No” and open your eyes.
What is medical hypnosis?
As we said the cortex is the perceiving and thinking part of the brain. It also attaches meaning and memories to those perceptions. It provides us with the ability to understand and interpret situations.
The amygdala is located near the center of the brain. It’s small and very connected to thousands of circuits to the brain that are wired to respond quickly to save your life. The amygdala is the source of our emotions, both positive and negative. When you are angry or experiencing flashbacks that cause fight, flight, or freeze, your amygdala has taken over. If you are feeling anger, rage, anxiety, negative self-talk, intolerance, panic attacks, fears then you been hijacked by your amygdala.
In medical hypnosis, doctors, psychologists and social workers are helping patients relax. We have found it to be a very effective tool in getting complete medical histories and in helping patients overcome issues that may be holding them back from healing. It is always used in conjunction with standard clinical modalities.
How many sessions are necessary?
While every hypnotherapist has his/her own treatment plan, I find that about four sessions are necessary.
What are some of the issues a hypnotherapist would work on?
Hypo-birthing, pain management, Smoking, weight loss, anxiety, fears, self esteem, anger and panic attacks.
Moishe Herskowitz, M.S.LCSW, CCH, has over 29 years experience as a couples & marital crisis counselor. He is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist who has designed a Medical Hypnosis program for smoking cessation, weight loss and anxiety. For more information, email cpcmoishe@aol.com or call 718-435-7388.